Last Updated March 20, 2023

Privacy Policy

The Privacy Policy outlines Poster Pitch’s procedures and policies for collecting, using, and disclosing any personally identifiable information. The Policy is only limited to the personal information that you provide on the site. The terms of this Privacy Policy may change without prior notice to the user. However, the site displays that last date of modifications to the terms and notifies users of such changes immediately.

Collecting Personal Information

We collect personal information to administer membership and enable users to navigate the site easily. We also use the information to improve our services and the features on the site.
  • Poster Pitch only collects the information that you provide when registering for a new account and updating your profile on the site.
  • The personal information collected may include your:
    • Name: used to identify you within the system
    • Email address: for communications purposes, Note that your email address is never shared with other users on the system
    • Areas of interest: to allow for suggestions and notification on posters to check out.
  • Poster Pitch uses your personal information to help you share your posters and other content with your network. In addition, the information helps us to update you on any changes to the service and site. The site may recommend new members to follow and share your content based on your personal data.
  • We may use your personal information to share newsletter and other promotional materials from Poster Pitch. You have an option of unsubscribing from such communications from your profile settings or email.
  • The site stores any contact information that you provide by linking your profile to your social networks. We securely store such information and use it to suggest co-authors and researchers to follow. We may also use the information to notify you of content or news feed stories that may interest you.
  • We collect your personal information when you contact our support team for help. The customer care staff will ask a series of questions to solve issues with your account, serve you better, and investigate any breach of the Terms of Use or Privacy Policy where applicable.
  • Poster Pitch may receive supplementary information from third-party organizations and services such as social networks or App stores that you use to access our service. The information is restricted to the public information you have provided to these services and organizations through your privacy settings. For instance, you may have made your birth date, sex, location, or contacts public on the third party services. We use such information to verify the information you provide when registering and updating your profile on our service. We may also use the information to customize our communications and offers to you.

Social media platforms and widgets

Poster Pitch has social media features that enable you to share your posters directly to your social networks. The features are hosted either on our site or by a Third Party. Your interactions through these networks are governed by their respective privacy policies. The networks may store your IP address or set cookies to function properly.

Data Analytics

We use various tools and engines to collect data regarding users and visitors on our site. The data does not include any personal information but trends in using Service that can help us improve the service and its features.

Log data

Our servers automatically record data from any visitors to our service including non-registered members. The record is restricted to the information that your browser sends such as your IP address, type of browser used, time spent on each page, and the web pages visited. We may also record the search history on our site, the pages you visited before landing on our service, dates, and times in your time zone. The information enables to offer a customized service that meets the needs of our visitors.


Poster Pitch has the best security measures in place to safeguard your personal information. However, like any other internet service, we do not guarantee 100% security of the information your share on our site. We are not liable for any unintentional disclosure of your data. However, we will notify you of any breach of the confidentiality and security of your personal information as required by law.

Data retention and sharing

The site displays your personal information based on your preferred settings. You can change the shared information by updating your profile settings. Sharing your content with other users on the site or through the provided networks may lead to unsolicited communications. Poster Pitch retains your personal information as long as you are using the service. However, we may keep the information longer to serve a specific purpose such as to solve a dispute, auditing, enforce an agreement or develop our legal defenses, or fulfill the relevant laws.

Account Deletion

As a user you can request for data deletion on the application by visiting your profile and pressing the delete button.
Note that once data erasure is requested, all your data and posts on the application with erased and hence not available for viewing by other users.
A user can also perform partial deletion of their data on items such as posters that they have published under the context menu for each poster